
Follow these steps to create a Minikube cluster for your Agones install.

Installing Minikube

First, install Minikube, which may also require you to install a virtualisation solution, such as VirtualBox as well.

Creating an agones profile

Create a minikube profile for agones so you don’t overlap any of the minikube clusters you are already running.

minikube start -p agones

Set the minkube profile to agones.

minikube profile agones

Starting Minikube

The following command starts a local minikube cluster via virtualbox - but this can be replaced by a vm-driver of your choice.

minikube start --kubernetes-version v1.18.15 --vm-driver virtualbox

Next Steps

Last modified February 1, 2021: Fix Minikube #1973 (#1974) (3cf898a6)